
Hello! My name is Gemma Mac.
Also known as ‘White Venice’

Getting lost in a book is something I’ve done from a very young age, this led me to start this blog as a means to review one of the things I’m most passionate about.

I get overwhelmed in book shops. Unless I go into one with a purpose, I end up wanting to just buy everything and end up walking out with nothing because I couldn’t make up my mind. I spend hours a week looking through Goodreads recommendations to find more and more books to add to my shelves. I love that feeling when you come across a new book that literally puts a halt to your life and you end up staying up until 3am reading, or being late for work because you missed your train stop being lost in the pages of your newly discovered story.

I moved to Japan a few years ago which gave me a limited weight allowance for my mountain of books, so now I have my kindle. I know it’s not the same, but it’s oh so convenient when travelling and it connects up nicely to my goodreads, netgalley and kindle unlimited accounts so my books are easy to find.. and purchase quickly.

I’ll read any fiction whether it’s fantasy, fairytale retellings, mystery, young adult, historical, romance and adventure. Sometimes I’ll read 4-5 books in a week, sometimes I’ll read 3 books a month – depends on where I am at the time. I definitely read more than what I review, I can’t always keep up with myself.

* Favourite Book:
The Tea Rose by Jennifer Donnelly

* Favourite Author:
Jennifer Donnelly

* Favourite Genre:
Historical Romance

* Guilty Pleasure:
Beastly Tales by M.J. Haag, a beauty and the beast retelling
